
Our company can help clients draw up an agreement with the franchisor and prepare all the necessary documents to start a business.

The franchise package is a set of documents, manuals, presentations, descriptions of marketing strategies necessary to regulate the activities of the organizer company. And also to settle disputable issues between the franchisor and the franchisee. The franchise package of documents is developed by the company’s own employees or with the help of an outsourcer.

This is the main document for the franchise, which clearly describes: the know-how, technology and transferable rights of the company. It also includes strategies for the development of the franchise business. All rights and obligations of the parties at all stages of cooperation, from the selection of premises to the termination of the commercial concession agreement, are described in the Concept.

The package of documents for a franchise should include a presentation. It is usually created in a printed form and contains the description of all advantages of working with the company-organizer. Besides, it may include: franchise acquisition conditions, financial indicators, which may be achieved by the new entrepreneur, and information on the possible assistance from the franchisor.

Legal package
This package includes at least a certificate of ownership of corporate elements (trademarks) and a commercial concession agreement.

What documents are still needed for the franchise is a financial plan, which clearly reflects the information on:

  • the structure of investments;
  • the necessary expenses;
  • the possible amount of revenue;
  • The dynamics of cash flows.

Such data is necessary for the buyer. They help to understand whether it is worth buying a company franchise and whether it is necessary to borrow money.